
Your support enables the YWCA Greater Cincinnati to provide funding to ensure services for women and their families that are not available to them elsewhere.

From our web site, you can make your gift securely online. Several options are available:

  • Make a one-time gift.

  • Make a pledge with convenient monthly payments.

  • Make a gift in honor of or in memory of someone special.

Make a Difference Today!

There are many ways to make a meaningful impact through your donation or gift.

  • Promote racial justice

  • Work to end violence against women and girls

  • Advance the economic empowerment of women

  • Improve the quality of life of women and their families

Make your tax-deductible gift securely online.

Become a G.E.M. Give Every Month to YWCA Greater Cincinnati and make a greater impact with your gift.

Your monthly donation will help equip us with the resources to reach more people who are in need.

Other Ways to Donate↘

Your generous support enables the YWCA to provide funding to ensure services for women and their families that are not available to them elsewhere.

  • Double the impact of your gift. Please check with your company’s human resources or Payroll Department and ask if your employer offers a matching gift program.

    Download matching gift instructions.

  • Minimize or eliminate capital gains taxes with a. donation of stock.

    Download stock donation form.

  • Join the YWCA Cornerstone Society by investing in YWCA’s future including us in your estate. Learn more

  • For interest in donating new items for our domestic violence shelter, visit

  • Your multi-year gift makes an impact towards achieving sustained, impactful change in our communities.

    Complete the Multi-Year Pledge Form or the Donor Form and mail to:

    YWCA Development Department
    YWCA Greater Cincinnati
    898 Walnut Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

    Please make the check or money order payable to the YWCA Greater Cincinnati. Please do not send cash through the mail. If you do not specify a program for funding, your contribution will support programs with the greatest need.

  • Donate by mail or make a multi-year pledge. Complete the Multi-Year Pledge Form or the Donor Form and mail to:

    YWCA Development Department
    YWCA Greater Cincinnati
    898 Walnut Street
    Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

    Please make the check or money order payable to the YWCA Greater Cincinnati. Please do not send cash through the mail. If you do not specify a program for funding, your contribution will support programs with the greatest need.

Support YWCA While You Shop!

Shopping with these community partners & selecting YWCA Greater Cincinnati helps support our efforts to eliminate racism & empower women-at no cost to you! Please consider shopping with our partners!

Make a Difference Today!
There are many ways to make a meaningful impact through your donation or gift.

  • Racial Justice and Advocacy

    Promote racial justice

  • Improve the quality of life of women and their families

    Improve the quality of life of women and their families

  • Work to end violence against women and girls

    Work to end violence against women and girls

  • Improve the quality of life of women and their families

    Improve the quality of life of women and their families